Sometimes, you get tagged as a little weird because of the strange things you love. You may even think of yourself as a little weird.....but still, you really can't help the things that catch your eye, that you think of as being beautiful. So, to let you know you are not alone in your strange, funny to others weirdness, here's my favorite bud vase:
Yes, it's an old "A1 Steak Sauce" bottle. One of these days, I'm going to paint it, along with another favorite, an old half pint liquor bottle. I might even throw in a little Waterford, just so the crowd knows I know the difference between good crystal and glass off the grocery shelf! I could go on and on about the mostly beautiful glass packaging for grocery items, but we are all different, and you may not admire it as much as I do.
I hope you have a wonderful day,