
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Canal Grasses Redux

"Canal Grasses", Acrylic on 12" x 16" on canvas board
Just messing around this morning, I painted over the above, previously posted painting, making the hung over tips of the grasses larger, and generally more prominent, neatening up (is that a word?) the blades, reglazing the water, a touch of the brush here and there, really just messing around.  Some mornings, I want to paint, but I don't want to start a fresh painting, so I dibble and dabble.
I am distracted now by the holidays, I could easily become overwhelmed with the blatant. . . . well, you know.  Yesterday, I was uptight and anxious;  today I choose, instead, just to relax and enjoy...the pretty decorations, the cold air, the friendliness of strangers waiting in line with me.  These are things that are easy. 
One year, we had a dollar store Christmas.  This was back when paper sacks were still used at grocery stores.  We picked up 11 sacks, and a box of markers.  Each person's name was written on a sack, and each of us went to the dollar store with $10.00, buying a gift to drop in each sack except our own.   Some of us had a great time, and some didn't. 
 Another year, we were all flush with success, and spent A LOT on gifts for each other.  That year, some of us had a great time, and some didn't. 
My mother loved Christmas beyond reasonableness.  She joyfully began her shopping for the next year on the day after Christmas.  She didn't have Christmas as a child. 
Another much loved family member also didn't have Christmas as a child, and resists any shopping until absolutely the last woebegone, guilty, panic stricken minute.  This person also loves Christmas, but not until Christmas day.
There really isn't any point I am trying to make here, just early morning ramblings.
Safe and satisfying holidays, ya'll!

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